Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Wheew! Did everyone have a good Easter? I sure did, I stuffed myself on cupcakes and ham and enjoyed our weekend company. All of that food made me think about how much I would have to work out to  not look like a beached whale. And that made me grimace as I realized that swimsuit and tiny sundress season is just around the corner (begin massive panic attack.. Destroy the Oreos! Burn all remnants of sugar in my apartment..AAAHHHH!). So I browsed around for some workout inspiration and came away with a few cute swimsuits from Roxy as well as some adorable dresses that I found at Delias.

The dresses

The swimsuits

Now I am going to run my cupcake flab off, bring it summer!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dress Haul

Finding dresses to wear to work can be the most frustrating task in the world. Most are too short and the dresses that have an appropriate length look like something a mom would wear in the 90’s (no offense to moms who wore jumper dresses in the 90’s, I am sure you totally rocked them!). I didn’t want to buy a dress that would look something like this.

 However, on a trip to JC Penney over the weekend,  I was pleasantly surprised to walk away with three dresses that didn’t break my budget and are perfectly work appropriate.
This dress is a perfect way to incorporate color into my work wear.
This is my ideal weekend outfit. Comfy and versatile, it can take me from shopping to a nice dinner in a flash.

This dress isn't the one I bought, but it looks similar to the one I purchased.

Shockingly, all three of these dresses cost less than what I would pay for one dress at another store. The only downside to cheaper dresses is that they shrink quickly after a few washes. But when I didn’t pay very much for the item in the beginning, it doesn’t bother me that much!

Happy Tuesday!

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